Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Programming Languages


Programming language is a software used by programmers to create their own programs on their computers. Using this, programs can be developed in different Operating systems like windows, linux, ubuntu and other existing O.S depending software's compatibility. Lots of programming languages are now existing and can be used depending on the programmers expertise. See below for example of commonly used programming languages:

a). Java

           - is a common and widely used programming language which owned by Sun Microsystems that is now used by programmers to create different useful applications in either computer or cellphones. Today, in our modern civilization, java is the main platform behind the creation of mobile operating systems like Android and IOS.

b) C#
                          - an object oriented (class based) programming        language that is developed by Microsoft Corporation. C# is a simple yet modern programming language that is built from syntax of C++.

c) Visual Basic 6.0
                         - another programming language from Microsoft that grown around year 2000. An object oriented programming language that does not require a higher computer specs because its interface is classic not compared to higher version of visual basic.

d) Visual Basic .Net
                         - the latest version of Visual basic which requires .net Framework for the user to execute the programs that has been created on this programming language. This version has a newer interface and new way to execute codes more robust than the previous visual basic versions.

e) Python
      - one of the highly used programming language because of its powerful code execution. Other programmers preferred python because they can easily express concepts with fewer lines of codes. Python supports object oriented and procedural programming.

Images Source(s) :; ; ; ultimateprogrammingtutorials.Info;


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